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Written by Peter Martinez   
May 02, 2008 09:08
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Peter Martinez, Jr. (Biography)
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ImageIn the summer of 2008, Martinez was chosen for a three-month paid fellowship with ABC News in New York City. He received training in ABC's state-of-the-art digital bullpen and rotated between three of ABC's digital properties: ABCNews.com, ABC News NOW and the World News webcast.Peter Martinez

Also, Martinez had the opportunity to research, write, learn control room and studio procedures, and added to his shooting and editing skills. Martinez participated in several news division learning seminars throughout the fellowship.

To see videos and the other assignments Martinez completed click here.

After the Fellowship, ABC hired Martinez as a Desk Assistant and then held a staff position.

He worked on ABC's overnight World News Now broadcast as a producer. Martinez also created and maintained its facebook fan page: http://WNNfans.com

To contact Peter Martinez, send an e-mail to: pmartinez@rePetePro.com

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