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Written by Peter Martinez   
May 02, 2008 09:08
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Peter Martinez, Jr. (Biography)
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In early April 2008, Martinez and a group of three Cal State Fullerton Communications students won a national video news competition with the FOX News Channel – something they worked on during winter break in December 2007. The topic was about illegal aliens: should they stay or move them out?

Peter Martinez

The video includes interviews with the Minuteman Project co-founder, a coyote, and a documented housekeeper. On-location taping included shots of the border fence in San Diego (seen below).

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FOX News also included an all expense paid trip to New York to appear on FOX & Friends as well as an interview for an entry-level position with the network (see below)

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As the group's main videographer and editor, Martinez put into use some of the shooting and editing techniques he learned during his KCET / Life & Times internship. Brent Foster, the group's advisor, provided valuable feedback during the post-production process.

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