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RECIPE: Bacon-Wrapped Coca-Cola Chicken Print E-mail
Written by Peter Martinez   
April 07, 2014 01:36

Bacon-Wrapped Coca-Cola Chicken Breasts (provided by Celebrity Chef Myron Mixon)

Coca-Cola was born in Atlanta in 1886, when pharmacist Dr. John Stith Pemberton took his new creation to Jacobs' Pharmacy— where minutes after it was first sampled, it became a sensation.

What a lot of people outside of the South don't realize is that Coke can be more than a "delicious and refreshing" drink; it's a great ingredient to use in a marinade because it's sweet and because the carbonation can be useful in tenderizing meat.

It needs some balance, though, which is what the bacon does here: it adds a salty flavor and a crisp texture to the chicken. This dish is great for afternoon barbecues when you're chilling by the pool.

Serve it with your favorite potato salad.

Serves 2 to 4


4 small boneless, skinless chicken breasts

(preferably from small chickens, about 1 pound total)

1 12- ounce can Coca- Cola

1 medium white onion, diced

2 cloves garlic, crushed

2 cups Jack’s Old South Huney Muney Cluck Rub, or 1 recipe Basic Chicken Rub

8 thin slices smoked bacon

(click through for detailed instructions)

Bacon-Wrapped Coca-Cola Chicken

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Last Updated on April 07, 2014 04:09
RECIPES: Tim Laird's Brunch Ideas Print E-mail
Written by Peter Martinez   
April 04, 2014 01:25

Chief Entertaining Officer Tim Laird offers you great options to make a memorable Sunday Brunch, including an unusual Bloody Mary.

Check out Tim's food & drink ideas below!

Tim Laird: Brunch Recipes

Blood Mary Bar

For a fun Bloody Mary bar, set out a pitcher of your favorite Bloody Mary mix, my favorite is Bloody Kentucky (available at:  What is different about this mix is it tastes great vodka but it was developed to be enjoyed with bourbon too.  Also set out any or all of the following garnishes and let your guests build their own cocktail.


Steak Sauce

Finely grated Parmesan or blue cheese

Celery salt and celery stalk

Pickled mushrooms

Pickled asparagus spears

Pickled green beans

Pickled green tomatoes

Olives stuffed with garlic or blue cheese

Cooked and peeled shrimp

Hot sauce

Jalapeño peppers

Pepper flakes

Balsamic vinegar

Lemon & lime wedges


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Last Updated on April 07, 2014 01:30
FOX NEWS Channel "College Challenge" 2008 Print E-mail
Written by Peter Martinez   
August 12, 2008 18:23

FOX NEWS Channel College Challenge

"Daily Titan" front page article
Cal State Fullerton press articles: version 1 | version 2

WINNING VIDEO ENTRY: "SoCal Immigration: Law, Labor, Liberty"

Dim lights Embed Embed this video on your site

FOX NEWS Channel LIVE TV interview

Dim lights Embed Embed this video on your site

Cal State Fullerton
The winners and their professor from California State University, Fullerton
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Last Updated on April 04, 2014 04:04
Peter Martinez Featured on the CSUF Homepage Print E-mail
Written by Peter Martinez   
February 13, 2008 12:23

Just a little blurb about my recent honor and highlight on my university's homepage:

Peter Martinez

Thank you to my fans and the CSUF Public Affairs department.

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Last Updated on March 06, 2014 20:03
Apple Macbook Pro Ships from China Print E-mail
Written by Peter Martinez   
December 13, 2007 23:05

My Macbook Pro laptop arrived safely. It shipped within three business days. It was interesting as I tracked its shipment via FedEx.

Yes, it's true, that Apple laptops originate from Shanghai, China. No, it's not Shanghai, Connecticut!

Here's the image:

Macbook Pro shipping

click here to enlarge

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Last Updated on February 02, 2013 04:58
New Apple Macbook Pro Laptop Print E-mail
Written by Peter Martinez   
December 01, 2007 13:58

Apple ComputerI'm going to be the proud owner of a new 17" MacBook Pro with the new Leopard OS. 

This purchase is made possible through my KCET internship. After working there for three summers, and earning a matching scholarship through the Emma Bowen Foundation, I put in the order for a laptop.

Here's the layout: MacBook Pro, 2.4GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 2GB 667 DDR2 SDRAM - 2x1GB, 200 GB 7200RPM HDD, SuperDrive 8x, 17 in Hi-Res Widescreen, BkLit Keyboard/Mac OS, Country Kit

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Last Updated on July 02, 2008 11:42
Apple Porn Print E-mail
Written by Peter Martinez   
November 23, 2007 16:11

Apple iPhone

PC Magazine has a nice look back at Apple's achievements over the years -- from the iMac to the iPod.

Of course, they steam it up: calling it Apple Porn! 

 Here's their picture slideshow.

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Last Updated on March 06, 2014 19:57
VIDEO: Lazy Eye - Silversun Pickups Print E-mail
Written by Peter Martinez   
November 19, 2007 16:21

Silversun Pickups

This tune is awesome: "Lazy Eye" from Silversun Pickups. 

One of my favorite radio stations, KCRW 89.9, played this song once and I finally found it on YouTube after hearing a short clip of it on KROQ.

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Last Updated on April 04, 2014 04:58
Great Camera Work Print E-mail
Written by Peter Martinez   
November 19, 2007 16:15

I was surfing around the Internet on ways to implement media into a Content Management System such as this website  --  and I came across this video from Bethany Baptist Church in the United Kingdom.

History Maker

Besides the fact that Delirous has this awesome song, the camera work makes it 10 times better!


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Last Updated on July 29, 2012 14:21
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